Schools Ministry Group (SMG) provides ongoing pastoral and practice support through Christian Education, Chaplaincy, and Wellbeing Services to communities and schools within Australia.
As an approved Chaplaincy Service provider of the South Australian Department for Education (through the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP)), they employ Pastoral Care Workers in more than 300 South Australian government schools.
With so many people, in so many locations, timesheet control was almost impossible. They needed to do things smarter to save time and they needed a solution that would enable their Pastoral Care Workers to lodge their timesheets electronically using their mobile phones.
Along with being a simple entry method, the solution also needed to allow administration staff to review and alter the time sheets before being posted to Sybiz Visipay automatically.
Other requirements included:
- Mobile phone access for all staff;
- A feature to restrict the amount of hours that could be submitted;
- Allowing Pastoral Care Workers to see their total hours worked vs their monthly budget allowance;
- Cut off date and times by when the time sheets have to be submitted;
- Limit the choices and data entry fields necessary for staff to complete.
SMG chose TimeTrust from Plus Software to do all of this and more.
Working with Progressive Business Technologies, Plus Software implemented the solution on time, and on budget.
Once the solution was implemented, an automated email process was used to get the Chaplins onboarded. The access link, username, and password for their login was sent via email and the solution was ready to work within 24 hours, creating a faster and more efficient timesheet solution for SMG.
Happy Timesheeting Days!
If you need help automating your Timesheets, contact Support@PlusSoftSolutions.com and we’ll help you through a step by step approach.