Real time ABM Project Costing Dashboard
Another real time instant data Advanced Business Manager (ABM) dashboard has been released – the ABM Project Costing Dashboard.
Valuable project costing information (like project Budget vs Actual) is now available to permission based users. The projects show detailed transactions and you can drill down further…
Once the new Dashboard has been downloaded (see under Settings in Snapshot, Check for New Dashboards) – the Dashboard will pull data from your ABM business system data and populate the Dashboard in seconds.
What information is available in the ABM Project Costing Dashboard?
Each user has different viewing needs (more about that below) but this Dashboard will serve most users information needs.
Real time, instant information across the existing projects within the Business is displayed in an easy to view Dashboard.Project Managers, and Department heads can view active and or inactive projects with detailed transactions instantly, after connecting Snapshot to ABM. (Not a user of Snapshot? Here’s how to install and download – see here)
You’re also able to filter the information further and email or export the information in a variety of ways.
Don’t forget to click on “Check for new Dashboards” under Settings – the ABM Project Costing Dashboard will download automatically.

You are also able to customise the Dashboards further. See our Plus Software YouTube account under this playlist for more information.
Call or email to order Snapshot for ABM or ask for more information.